“I think it was much better when you got on your horse
and rode two miles to talk to your neighbor.”
Laura Schlessinger
“The history of mankind is carried on the back of a horse.”

Québec’s Lou-Anne Bréard warms up before the Junior Jumper competition at The Royal Horse Show in Toronto, Canada.
We’ve come full circle. China and Mongolia, where horsemanship evolved thousands of years ago, now host some of the most exciting equestrian events in the world. In South Africa, a black jockey wins the Derby, 125 years after the first Kentucky Derby, where 13 jockeys were black. What other sport allows men and women to compete against each other at the same time? Where amateurs can compete against professionals? Where teens compete against senior citizens? Where even straight people can play for The Gay Polo League? And where or what would America, leader of the free world, be if not for the great horsemanship of its founders and pioneers? This episode features people, places, and events that give the equestrian world such universal appeal.
With their passion their common bond, all are equals amongst The Equestrians.
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