“You become responsible forever for what you’ve tamed.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

A groom giving a horse a trim at Ox Ridge Hunt Club in Darien, Connecticut.
Just as race car drivers need a pit crew, crew chief, and mechanics, horses need a stable of full-and-part-time specialists each and every day: Trainers, grooms, handlers, vets, farriers (horse shoers), and a whole list of suppliers. Unlike cars or even pets, they demand constant attention. They need to be exercised, fed, cleaned, shoed, stalled, and transported. For their relative size, horses are also quite delicate, and susceptible to sickness and injury. In many ways, domesticated horses are more dependent on human care than even infants or the elderly in nursing homes. This episode will feature people at top equestrian centers and equine medical facilities that provide better care for horses than many of us might receive from our own doctor or hospital.
A healthy horse sure does wonders for the well-being of The Equestrians.